Students take advantage of summer opportunities across the globe

Created: June 4, 2018  |  Last Updated: September 15, 2021  |  Category:   |  Tagged:

Dawlton Nelson '21 (pictured) is one of more than 100 students traveling abroad to conduct independent studies through The Magellan Project. Dawlton is currently in Cambodia studying the area's ecotourism. 

WASHINGTON, PA (June 4, 2018)—Students from Washington & Jefferson College (W&J) are making the most of their college education, even when classes aren’t in session.

Across the globe, W&J students are partaking in independent study projects, internships, and educational programs. See the list below for just some of the opportunities our students are taking advantage of!

  • The Magellan Project: Every summer, W&J sends students around the world to take on independent projects they have designed themselves. The students create their own schedule and organize their own travel, lodging, and meals while documenting their experience on a public blog. This year marks our largest scholar class: 112 scholarships were awarded, totaling $263,900 in awarded funding. Since its inception in 2008, we have awarded more than 600 students and $1.4 + million in funding thanks to the generosity of donors and friends of the College. Learn more at the Magellan Project webpage.
  • The Mazingira Fund: Our students are taking on environmental conservation and sustainability projects through The Mazingira Fund. This summer, three students have Mazingira-supported internships. Ian Geister ’20 and Shawn Wallbillich ’20 will be interning with the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance, while David Antis ’19 is working with the Matador Wildlife Management Area in Texas.
  • Internships and Lab Experiences: Summer is a great time for students to get learning experiences outside of the classroom, and many of our students are using the time between semesters to do just that! Benjamin Freedman ’20 is spending the summer doing cancer research in the Department of Surgery, North Shore University Health System in Chicago, Ill. Marina Sansom ’19 was named an FBI Honors Intern in the Pittsburgh office, and Sarah Stuchell ’19 has traveled to Quantico, Va., to work as a chemistry unit intern in the FBI Laboratories. That’s just to name a few!

We’re excited to hear more from all our amazing Presidents about their experiences. Stay tuned for more in-depth stories on what they’re doing.

About Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & Jefferson College, located in Washington, Pa., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate education available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. For more information about W&J, visit, or call 888-W-AND-JAY.

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